Minggu, 20 September 2009

Distressed Spanish property Sales in Spain Review

So as we reach the close of 2009 and the last 103 days what is the current state of the market and what distressed sales and bank repossessions are still available? Nick Stuart Managing Director of Spanish Hot Properties believes the real value is key ready properties where the Developer is working with there bank to achieve disposal of quality units with some discounts up to 50% less than the 2007 price list. “In reality there are now very few out and out distressed sales from private vendors certainly a lot less than there was in June with buyers from the Benelux, Scandinavia, Ireland, France & a few from the UK snapping up the bargains whilst they still exist. The reality also being that some clients of ours who sat on the fence where they wanted to be in a certain development will have to pay more than they could have or choose something else or not buy at all. As for Spanish bank repossessions the banks are still asking too much for the large majority of there stock but like distressed sales there are still one or two bargains to be had but a lot fewer than a couple of months ago. So what is the distressed sales market at the moment? In reality it is Developers in conjunction with there bankers offering key ready properties with up to 50% reductions from the 2007 price list in order to clear the bank mortgages and other costs. The Developers are doing this to protect there companies and there relationships with there bankers who they hope to do business with again in the future. Our view is that this is the last area for real discounts and bargains and whilst there may still be some good deals in 2010 the best properties will be sold during the next 4 months” explained Nick.

Spanish Hot Properties also believe that most people who have decided to buy this year have already made that decision and will visit in September and October and try and find what they are looking for.

Some of the latest offers from Spanish Hot Properties include.

Distressed Sales in Costa del Sol

1 Key ready luxury apartments on the New Golden Mile from €223,000

2 Key ready luxury apartments in La Cala de Mijas from €225,000.

3 Key ready luxury apartments in Calahonda from €150,000

Distressed Sales in Costa Blanca

In this area the distressed sales tends to be more in the way of private vendor distressed sales and there is still some value.

1 2 Bed Quality apartment in Costa Blanca South €70,000

2 Luxury Townhouse in Moraira €199,000.

Mallorca property

Whilst Mallorca doesn’t have the same level as distressed sales as the rest of Spain we still have some excellent value with a Port Verd Penthouse reduced to under €300,000, a must see and must buy property.

Anyone wanting more information about distressed sales and Spanish bank repossessions should contact Spanish Hot Properties either by phone or email.

How to Market Your Business In an Economic Recession

Just because we are in the midst of a recession doesn't mean that you have to cut back on your marketing. You can't afford to do that. As a matter of fact, in the midst of a recession is the time that marketing efforts must be increased, not cut back.

Yet traditionally, the problem is that a recession or economic downturn means you have less business, less revenues, and the very first thing that business owners usually cut when revenues fall is the marketing and advertising budget. Nowadays, however, you can get a tremendous advantage over your traditionally-minded competitors by increasing your recession-time advertising and marketing without breaking the financial back of your business.

You can do this through harnessing the power of the Internet to spearhead your marketing methods. There are so many things that you can do online to market yourself that are either inexpensive or free that even in prosperous times you should be using them to market your business today.

The three things you must have to sell your house fast is

1. EXPOSURE to millions of eyes
2. GREAT AD COPY - Attract people to your offering
3. Creative Finance - People buy payments!

It goes without saying that any business today must have a website. If you don't have a presence on the Internet you are going to be left out in the cold and left behind by your competitors. However, many businesses have a website and little else online. They treat their website as a cursory online brochure. They have one simply because they know they are supposed to--but they really don't take it as seriously as they should. So the first thing you can do to increase your marketing power during a recession is to dramatically improve your website.

In the first place, websites that are kept fresh get higher search engine rankings. Web crawlers want to see fresh content. So if you are constantly keeping your website updated, you will see it come up much closer to the front of search engine results. Most people only check the first one to three pages of results for various key words (which to them are simply the words they selected to try to do a search for something), so the higher up you get the more traffic you will get at your site. What should you do for your website to keep it competitive?

*Constantly write more articles or blog posts for it. Use SEO techniques when you do this. *Keep it updated with more graphics and photographs. *Make your website very dynamic. Use animation, videos, and audio. *Keep your website as easy to navigate as possible. *Enable people to buy from you through your website. Make this process both convenient and secure.

Make your website always fresh, and make it a work of art. This will cause more people to beat a path to your virtual door. But there are other things you can do to drive that traffic to your website.

You can use Twitter, for one thing. Twitter, for those who may not be familiar with it, is a "mini blog site". For every "tweet" that you make at Twitter, you have a maximum of 150 characters to make a statement. The idea is to keep people constantly updated about your business or life or just your personal thoughts. But to use Twitter as a business and marketing tool there are some guidelines you should follow.

*Never make more than five tweets a day. If you exceed that, you run the risk of coming off as a spammer and you give the impression that you must not really be that busy at your business.

*Never do shameless marketing or selling with any tweet. Update people about your business activity or even your personal life, but never try to sell to people on Twitter. You want to use Twitter to build relationships and get people to come to you.

*Never say anything off color or otherwise impolite or inappropriate when you tweet. You never know who you may offend or what negative impression you may unintentionally give.

Another technique to use is Blog marketing. You can write and publish your articles and thoughts for free. Even if you feel that your writing skills or ideas aren't the best, it's possible for you to hire a ghost writer at very affordable rates to write articles in your name. Articles work as fantastic marketing tools because they are unobtrusive. People read them who are interested in your area, your insights, activities, and businesses in your area.

When they read your blog, you come off as a knowledgeable professional who is generous enough to share some free information. People then contact you, rather than you having to cold-call or prospect for them. You don't have to deal with people who aren't really interested in your house deals, which saves you time and money. You don't have to deal with people who will be offended by your business offers because, again, only interested people will be reading your content to begin with. Articles are online 24-seven, so they are working for you even while you sleep.

When you write your articles for your blog, you can make use of social networking tools including Facebook, Digg, and Stumble Upon among others to let your content reach as wide an audience as possible.

Social networking sites online work on the same principle as real-world networking at places like the local YMCA, boating club, rotary club, and wherever else you make acquaintances and introduce them to what you could do for them. But online, your outreach power is vastly multiplied and it's far less time-consuming.

So once again, you need to market your business more than ever during a recession. The Internet makes this possible for you.

Learn Witchcraft from Books

Before I get on with this article (my final one for awhile), I’d like to take a moment to apologize to you for something.

These articles are in electronic format and can be easily sent to other people (in fact, I encourage you to send it to your friends). Because of this, I had to hold back on what I offer in them. Here’s why…

Using Magick energy to “make things happen”, is very different from having the secrets to control it. The art of Witchcraft is one that should be approached carefully. You should never pick up a book on Witchcraft, read the spells – and then try to do them. You need to SEE somebody doing – not only the spells – but the important techniques of connecting with, and controlling, your own Magick energy.

The truth is, there is no way for me to actually show you these techniques in articles like the ones I have written. And I am worried that – if I lay out all of the steps for the spells, rituals, and other Witchcraft techniques in full, they may be abused (even “unknowingly abused”) by raw beginners getting in tune with Magick energy for the first time.

This could cause unthinkable problems, and it would be difficult to live with myself knowing that these articles caused anybody harm.

That’s why I held back. It is also why I have taken a lifetime of Witchcraft secrets that I personally used to change my life, into one big box. I mean, you could find a good wicca school, but it can be expensive to find a dedicated teacher.

I have other resources I have completed that contain everything you need to gain full control of the hidden energy inside of you.

Not only do you get full step-by-step guides – but you get to see demonstrations of every technique.

I know Witchcraft will change your life in ways you could only dream.

My sincere hope for you, is that after going through these articles, you will understand what is possible with Magick. And if they help you in any way, click here to tell me all about it (I’d really love to hear from you).

The hidden energies that fuel real Magick are used every day (in many different forms) to literally transform people’s lives with breathtaking miracles.

Everybody was born with the power to control Magick energy, and it really is easy to use it for your benefit once you know the secrets. As a matter of fact, your focus and emotions send out Magick energy every day – and you may not even realize it.

The difference knows how to focus your emotion and belief toward something specific (like bringing romance, friends, wealth, and happiness into your life).

No matter where your path takes you in life (and in Magick), I give you my Brightest Blessing on your future. May your road be filled with wonder, love, excitement, and pure happiness.

How To Write A Business Plan; Tips On How To Do It

The thought of starting up a business can be an exciting time for many people. You have this brilliant idea of providing a product or service to the satisfaction of your target market, and you can finally see it coming together. There is just one small hitch, the much dreaded and time-consuming business plan. Many aspiring business owners wish they could just get on with establishing the business of their dreams without too much paperwork.

However, the truth of the matter is there is no way around it especially if you want to succeed. Just because you may not have an idea of how to write a business plan, does not mean that you should give up. It is not such a bad idea to ask for help. There are professional advisers, friends and family in business who may be willing to lend a hand.

There are very many tools that are available to help you come up with a sound business plan. You can easily download them and get going. The use of business plan templates or sample business plans, not only makes work easier for you, it also makes you come off as a professional who knows exactly what he or she is doing. All you will have to do is adjust and add the specific details so that they can suit your business.

It is important that you follow an outline that will give you guidance. These guidelines should include your current position which will give the reader an idea of your business history, your location, your product or service, your customers, competition etc. You also have to state where you plan to be when writing your business plan. This should reflect your objectives and goals. You should also include how you will be able to achieve all this, basically your plan. The strategies you will use, additional resources, etc will be included in this section of your business plan.

Business Development Plan

If you are operating or setting up a business, it is essential to plan every aspect as much as possible. When you have a solid and organized idea of how to manage your business, then you have the potential of being successful. A business development plan is an essential part of any business and helps you to have a sense of direction as your business continues to grow.

When you have a complete one, you should be able to communicate the financial strategy to the investors and lenders. It also helps the business attract capital or secure loans. It is also useful since it reflects the potential that the business has to succeed and grow. The plan also includes the general aspects of business operations and forecasts potential problems that may arise. There is always a contingency plan showed that will help should any complications arise.

There is also the management aspect that the business development plan covers. With one in hand, it is easier to monitor and asses the progress of your business effectively. You are in a position to set targets and time lines for your business. This way you can easily compare the projected analysis with the actual figures. You will be able to gauge the direction your business is taking and the milestones made.

In business, there are always risks involved. However, the well organized business owner will have a business development plan that details the possible setbacks so that they are ready for them, should they encounter any. This is because you will have established options in place. It is advisable to share your plan with your employees so that they can share the same vision and goals of the business.

Budget Plan; A Must If You Want To Succeed In Business

Coming up with a budget is a task many people have tried to avoid but it is a necessity if you want to avoid financial setback in the future. It is essential that you are able to manage your money whether in your business or at home. The mismanagement of money is what leads to debt. To avoid getting into debt, you just have to follow the cardinal rule- don’t spend more than you earn! A budget plan helps you achieve this.

You will be in a position to plan in detail, how you will spend your money. The first thing you have to do is write down your income on one side, and all your outgoing costs on the other side. These should include things like rent, bills, groceries etc. Remember to list them in order of priority. This will give you an idea of what needs urgent attention, and should you fail to pay there will be stern consequences. This will give you a general idea of where you are spending your money and how you can cut back on your spending.

You should have the discipline to stick to your budget and cut costs on what you can do without. In addition, find ways to pay off your debt promptly and reduce your credit card debt. This is because if you are late paying off your credit card bills, you will end up paying penalties and late fees that you can do without.

Whatever you have left after you have deducted your expenses from your income should go to savings. It is essential that you save as much as you can no matter how little it seems. This is what will bail you out when times are tough.

Creating A Business Plan

Starting a business is a serious step in your life that needs proper planning and organizing. There are various aspects of your business that need delicate strategies. You need to have all this written down in a clear and straightforward way. When you create a business plan, you will be in a position to achieve this and much more. Coming up with a solid business plan can be challenging that is why it is important to have a guideline that can help you create one.

It is essential that you have an open mind when starting and even as you progress because you will keep revisiting and making changes as your business continues to progress. It is important that you conduct a proper research on the type of business that you want to venture into. Find out what may work against you and what will work for you. When you are creating your business plan there are important details that need to be incorporated.

You have to be sure if you have the necessary skills and experience to manage that particular business. It is important that you are ready to fully commit yourself to this venture, so you have to be ready to assess yourself. Since venturing into business you have to know if you can afford to take the risk and what contingency plan you have put in place. It is also important to assess the potential growth of the business and whether your financial expectations will be met once you go into business.

You also have to know whether there is a large enough market for your product and/or service. As irrelevant as it sounds, as you create your business plan, you need to ask yourself if you will enjoy what you intend to do. This will give you an idea of what you want, how badly you want it and what you are willing to do to see it succeed.

(ArticlesBase ID #1251285)
Mercy Maranga

Mercy Maranga writes content on Finance and Small Business Management. Visit her site here for more information on Finance and how to effectively Manage your small business. Small Businesses